Dear Feminists

I’m sorry we live in a world where men already have an advantage in everything you do. They expect you to give up your last name, give your children their last name, cook, clean, give blow jobs and now even make just as much money and pay for dates. All while you’re expected to  stop going out, not supposed to talk about your personal life, and supposed to be the one to work out all the problems. And yet we have so many young men that are blessed in more ways than what they know how to count. These past 5 years I’ve heard more and more of men wanting an “independent woman” which is fine. The only problem is men can’t handle women who have everything. And to men who don’t think this applies to them, it applies to you. If a woman can go to work, come home and clean and cook while still making time to do her make up and love you or ask you too stay awake just so she can get two more hours in with you all after taking care of the kids, what on earth does an independent woman need you for? You would have to do everything the exact same way in order to actually have a purpose other than procreation. But that’s not the case. And now men complain about paying child support to? Which is funny because most couples can’t afford to have kids as it is… but when a woman gives birth, the hospital bill isn’t split 50/50, even if the father is present. I wonder why. Doesn’t it take two?? But the women are left with the debt of having a baby, as if her body getting destroyed wasn’t enough. Not only this, but a man can leave his kids with no real consequences. If you have a male friend who you know is a dead beat, chances are you’ll still be friends. But if a woman does this, no one wants to talk to her but everyone will talk about her. Men don’t understand how blessed they are, and as if we didn’t have enough derogatory names to call women, now they’ve added another; using the word feminist as an insult. But why? When women fight each other, we are considered as having no class or immature. But when we stick up for one another, we are nagging feminists who get “butt hurt” or “emotional” about everything like we always do.. I have to say that I am ashamed in men as a whole. They hold so much power over women. They will be the first to call a woman a “hoe” and the first to “take” pussy. 
So men, please stop calling women “feminist” as an insult…. 

Man Explains Killing Christians

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The only people who understand the Quran are those who live by it. Technically speaking, you can’t properly translate the Quran into English. Not only that, but the Quran was not meant to be shared with non followers. So anyone who does not live from the Quran can’t pull quotes on what’s in the book. We have many priests in this country but you don’t see them sharing scriptures from the Bible, they only share it to followers of the religion… Plus I feel the only time you should be concerned with any religion is if you want to learn more to pursue finding one for yourself. Not to “look up” certain aspects and use it to manipulate a conversation to gain public approval. Each country has its positive and negative sides. Westboro Baptist Church thinks they can represent all Christians, and they are nuts…. I’m sure if they wanted to, they could flip the bible around to make us look like being an imperialist country is in the bible. Or what of that talk about the Mason’s knowing where the Holy Grail is located, it’s been said to be a secret only for Mason’s to know. If that is true, why are we not fighting to know about something that could literally change the world?

These Shootings

So far there has been so much pain and division through this country and it truly breaks my heart. I’m mixed with black, white and asian. I love every piece of me and where I came from, but now I feel like I need to pick sides between the colors of me. 

I try to just ignore the feeling for most of the day, but it doesn’t go away until I get to work; and here’s why.

I work at an IMAX Theatre. It’s a basic job like most places, the only difference between the theatre and other places is the atmosphere. 

When I’m at work, I see all the guests lining up to watch a movie. So many interracial couples, mixed children, diverse groups of friends, tons of laughing and smiling and no racism. Not one bit of hate. Everyone is there with the same common interest; to be happy. Every day that I work I get to witness people at their best, young couples in love. I get to see those first dates. Couples that have been married for who knows how long. It’s the greatest job when I see how much love is inside one building. No one ever sees color. 

And I just think to myself how funny it is: no matter if you’re black, white, yellow, red or brown… they all have the same goals in the theatre, to spend the least amount of money as possible… And that concludes to me that we are all the same. 
So why can’t the justice system see it?