Man Explains Killing Christians

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The only people who understand the Quran are those who live by it. Technically speaking, you can’t properly translate the Quran into English. Not only that, but the Quran was not meant to be shared with non followers. So anyone who does not live from the Quran can’t pull quotes on what’s in the book. We have many priests in this country but you don’t see them sharing scriptures from the Bible, they only share it to followers of the religion… Plus I feel the only time you should be concerned with any religion is if you want to learn more to pursue finding one for yourself. Not to “look up” certain aspects and use it to manipulate a conversation to gain public approval. Each country has its positive and negative sides. Westboro Baptist Church thinks they can represent all Christians, and they are nuts…. I’m sure if they wanted to, they could flip the bible around to make us look like being an imperialist country is in the bible. Or what of that talk about the Mason’s knowing where the Holy Grail is located, it’s been said to be a secret only for Mason’s to know. If that is true, why are we not fighting to know about something that could literally change the world?

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